Friday, May 31, 2024

May Wrap Up

This was not my best month reading, not my worst either. May is always such a busy month for me. Mother's Day and Memorial Day are always a busy weekend at the restaurant. So I'd set the whole week to gear up, stock, and sort the kitchen to ensure we have everything we need. Then at the turn of this year, I went to visit my parents for a week, and I'm going to get a lot of reading done. It never happens between catching up, spending time, and doing things with them. I only ever read on the plane ride there and back. 

Then add everything I must do outside of Bookish and my job. It just didn't happen. Thank goodness for Silent Book Club. Because that week, Book Club night was the only time I read for more than a chapter here and there.   

Still, no matter what, I got to read Sleep Tight, which gave me a book hangover. It was so good and so weird. But so good!

Books Read: 3
BINGO Books: 1
A to Z Challenge: 0
Pages Read: 624
Currently Reading: Cryptids, Creatures, and Critters

I've said it once, and I'll repeat it, this year's BINGO board is hard! I've read 28 books this year, and I'm leaps and bounds from a BINGO. Mostly because that page count square is killing me! Why did we do that to ourselves? Why? All the whining aside, I did manage to knock the Folklore square off my board thanks to Freak Folklore!


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