Last year I somehow managed to be lucky enough to help spread the word of Hope Never Dies. The first book in the Obama/Biden Murder Mystery series. It was fun, but the book was better. My copy floated around with my co-workers and is currently on an island with my flatmate. So when the opportunity fell into my lap to do it again with Hope Rides Again, I said yes.
So despite everything I knew was about to fall in my lap at work, I was excited to find this in mail early this week:

I've had a couple afternoon away to hang a few of the posters, and I've given stickers and bookmarks to my friends I know loved the first book. The rest will find homes over the next couple of days. I spent today power reading through my current read so Hope Rides Again can be the first book I pick up in July. Fitting since it's release is the second Tuesday of month (July 9th)!
If your looking for a fun beach, or vacation, read this year, this is one I'd recommend. There's murder, laughs, fights, a red herring or two, bromance, and somewhat happy ending. Plus, the covers are amazing! I honestly didn't think it could get better than the first one, but sometimes it's good to be wrong.
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