Sweet Biscuits it's July! I can't overly sure what happened to June, but I think is broke the sound barrier as it passed by. Not sure if fell into a slump this month, or what. All three books I've been reading are great. Just haven't much been in the mode. Kind of because one of the books is about to punch me in the feels, and I've been pushing it off. Also, kind my job got a little bananas. The later seems to be calming down. As for the former, I need to put on the big girl pants.
Okay BINGO first, because I'm getting my butt kicked still. Sarah is a freaking machine this year, and as for my roommate. She's away with work so her board might not be update. Which means if I buckle down I might be able to get ahead of her before the end of the summer. Maybe.

(Kathleen & Sarah)
So it's a definite improvement from three months ago, but as usual I'm skirting past every BINGO. Which I probably wouldn't do if I had any sort of reading list I actually stuck to. Though, I've been kind of in the mood for a Classic read the last few weeks. So Count of Monte Cristo might be going on vacation with me. Good-bye re-read box.
Only added two new books in the last three months to this challenge. Sadly my last few reads have all been published this year. In fact most of the ones I've been itching to pick up are all recently published. I need to throw in some dustier books from the last few years that need to be cracked open. After all, beach reading season is finally here.
Hopefully everyone else is doing a little better than me. Who is now 10 books behind her reading her goal. My fingers are crossed Dewey's Reverse Readathon helps me close the gap.
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