Somehow February has been the longest and shortest month. Probably because I'm set to go see my parents at the start of March. So the last couple of weeks have seemed longer than they really were. But, it was a pretty good month on my end. Celebrated my birthday on style, survived Valentine's Day at work, and even manage to get Bookish Whispers ahead by two months on set posts.
This time last year I was stressing about a lot of things, and the blog was one of them. While there's still stress, because that's just life. I'm not tied up in so many knots about everything. Work is going as smooth as any kind of food service, and the Bookish Whispers is doing great!
I'm looking forward to some time with my family next week. I chance to unwind and step away from work. Eat some really good food and celebrate my Dad's Birthday! I just have to survive the next few days.

Books Read: 6
BINGO Books: 2
Re-Reads: 2
Backlist Books: 3
Tackle TBR Books: 2
BINGO Books: 2
Re-Reads: 2
Backlist Books: 3
Tackle TBR Books: 2
Pages Read: 1269
DNF: 1
Currently Reading: The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t with Her Mind

Book shopping with my Mim! It is a tradition when I came home for us to hit the local Indie bookstore. Which just so happens to be one of my favorite places. There wall-to-wall books in this place. Just stacks chilling on the floor. I could spent literal hours in there and spend way too much money.
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