Monday, September 27, 2021

If Ur Stabby - Review

Author: Kaz Windness
Genre: Humor
Format: Hardback
Pages: 96

I saw this gem on my library's new arrival page and I couldn't help myself. I'm a sucker for books like this, and with the week I had, I figured this would be just what I needed. And, this book did not disappoint. I will say this is one hundred percent not for kids. The target audience for If Ur Stabby is older readers.

Honestly, I wasn't really sure what I was about to walk into with this one. I saw the cover and the title and thought, yup putting this on hold. If Ur Stabby is a short illustrated book set up almost like a kids book, but definitely is not. It follows a not-so-happy unicorn throughout his life, and in the words of his roommate, is me as a unicorn. Though I wouldn't say this book is dark, it's definitely got some gore. At the end of the day, it's geared more at humor than anything else.

The artwork for If Ur Stabby reminds me of Llamas With Hats. The authors do all of the illustrations and I loved them, especially the tarot cards used as each chapter's artwork. It reads a bit like the Sarah Doodles series, and combine that with the llamas created something I adored. I've been a bit in a reading slump this month due to a laundry list of reasons, but If Ur Stabby has helped boost me out of that slump. 

I laughed the whole time I read this, even areas a handful of passages out to my roommate. It's a fun take on the unicorn craze that is currently going on. Honestly, this is a book I've suggested to a handful of my friends just because it's a quick read and I thought it was a lot of fun. Because sometimes you full just a little bit stabby.

Not going to lie, this is one I'd love to add to my own personal library.


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