Monday, July 1, 2024

June Wrap Up

Holy cats, so many books this month. I am trying to figure out how I did it because I felt like work had some super busy weekends. Then again, I have been watching a little TV at night. It probably also helped that the Perilous Court series was so easy to binge, and I'm excited to jump into the second half of the series in July. I'm trying to pace myself with them so I can enjoy them. A handful of short books also helped in this. Which also means my stats are a little off. Two of the books I read were Indie Comics so according to Goodreads and Storygraph won't can't them because they don't have an ISB number. So according to them have only read 9 books instead of 12. But, that still makes it my best month yet!

July is setting up to also be a really busy month. Fourth of July is always a wild weekend at the restaurant, followed by me going to my first Kpop concert (I'm so excited), followed up by lots of staff on vacation here and there. The upside is I have so many graphic novels on my TBR that I have some quick reads. The downside is I'm probably not doing Summerween this year because honestly right now it feels like one too many things. 

Still though, so many books this month! I had an easy favorite though with Prince and Assasin

Books Read: 12
BINGO Books: 2
A to Z Challenge: 2
Pages Read: 3027
Currently Reading: My NetGalley TBR

Two for two this month! Two BINGO Books and two books for the A to Z Challenge. This is the first in months I've hit the latter challenge, and there for a minute I never thought I'd snag another BINGO book. We made this year's square harder than we meant to I feel.


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