Friday, August 30, 2024

Mini Reviews


Both of these are so much fun! I've been in a reading slump this month. Which is why both of these are perfect. I grew up watching The Golden Girls, it was one of my favorites to watch with my Great Grandma. And, as a lover of spooky season, I do love The Nightmare Before Christmas. Both were fun, easy to read, and perfect for the kind of mindset I've been in this month.

When this first came out I fell in love with Sevro, Darro, but mostly Severo. However, with the world that Pierce Brown had created, the plot left wanting more. Unfortunately at the time, my job didn't allow for any kind of free time, so reading series was hard because I always ended up never finishing them. So I decided to jump back into this series because it's time, actually it's past time. I had forgotten a good two-thirds of what was in this book, even whole characters. Mostly I had forgotten how much I missed some of these characters. This was my audiobook for the month and the full cast is absolutely amazing! I was worried about Sevro's voice, but it was spot on it. It was a great reminder of how much I love this series, the world, the characters, and the plot. It brought back all the questions of how everything connects and how it'll all unfold. So I'm jumping into Golden Son as my September audiobook, I already bought part one of the full cast audio.

This wasn't a planned read. I stumbled onto a radio station that just plays old radio plays, and the other day while I was running errands this was what was playing. Extra errands were run ahead of schedule because I didn't want to turn this off. While this is not one of my favorite canon stories, this radio play was a lot of fun. It's also been a few years since I've read this one, so that was nice because I'd forgotten quite a bit about this short story. 


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