Friday, July 19, 2024

Book Haul

Okay, so when I went shopping on Wednesday, it was for every specific thing. It was to go to Pop-Mart in search of the cute little Universal Monster dolls they had. Which I found, and they are both creepy and cute. I also went to snoop about Box Lunch. What I hadn't planned on doing was randomly finding a brand-new comic book store.

But, I did. Mostly because I rarely ever go to the mall, and I always forget which way I came into the courtyard. Today, however, it paid because wouldn't you know it. The mall has a comic book store. I a really nice one. Full of treasure. 

The plan was to poke around, see what they had, make a small list, and then come back. But. But! Volume 5 and 6 of I Hate Fairyland. Something I have been trying to get my hands on since volume 5 hit shelves. But has been sold out, or in some weird cases was never stocked, at my local places.

However, the owner of Phantom Zone Comics reassured me that he always has copies of this series on hand. So we bonded over our love for this series. Because it's amazing! I adore it, and no I did not wait to read and savor these. 

A review will be out sooner, not later!


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