Friday, July 5, 2024

Reading Update

Books Read: 38 of 70
Pages Read:  5,795 of 15,000
A to Z Challenge: 5

Six months have come and gone already in 2024, and somehow it seems to have both gone by in a blink and stretched itself. I think part of is the weather. While the PNW has had some really nice days, it's been a pretty chilly start to our summer. To the point, it almost feels like we bypassed summer and went straight into fall. Though I know we still have two more months of summer to go, and I'm completely looking forward to some lazy days lying in the sun. Kind of like a lizard lying on a hot rock. I'm sick of being cold. Cute sweaters aside, I'm ready for some sun.

Despite a rocky start to my reading year, only reading two books in January, I'm a little over fifty percent of the way through my Goodreads Challenge. With that upside, also comes a downside, a lot of those books have been short stories. They totally still count as reading because there shouldn't be a gatekeeper on what reading is as long as it involves a story of your choosing. It does however affect my goal of how many pages I want to read. I'm only a little over a third of through that goal. 

If I plan on making that goal I'm going to have to read a little over two thousand pages a month. Which seems like something I can do. I have a lot of great books lined up so in theory I can do it. Especially if I can keep up the moment of this last month. I don't know if I've ever had a month like this outside of 2020 when I had very little else to do that winter. 

Definitely need to work on the A to Z Challenge. I've been obsessed with my Kindle lately, so that puts a dent on putting a dent on my physical TBR. But, if there is sun coming, there is a good reason to put the Kindle aside for some physical books.

How's everyone else doing so far this year?


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