Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme started by the Broke and the Bookish.  Each week they chose a new meme and bloggers pick their Top Ten Books, TV Shows, Movies, etc that fit that theme. This week the theme is: Bookish Settings I'd Love to Visit!


Written by Terry Pratchett and one of my favorite series of all times. I'd love to travel here and discover the gender of the turtle myself!

Diagon Alley
I honestly don't know what my first stop would be. Probably the ice cream shop!
The Shire
Mostly so I could just lay in the fields and watch the clouds pass. Because it's quiet and nothing ever happens there.

Gotham City
Just to get a glimpse of the Batman himself

Okay, I'm well aware what happened to it okay, but that doesn't mean I can't imagine what it would be like to be there. I love the Ewoks!

Movie, what movie? It never happened! I would totally hitch a ride with these guys!

Heart of Gold
Say what you will about this movie, but I loved this book. I really need to finish the Hitchhiker Series by Douglas Adams

  • Elan is where Royce is. Therefor I need to go!
  • the Warren Hotel because it has legs! Who doesn't want to stay in a place that travels like!
  • Tortall so many places I want to see and people to meet, but only one cat I'm interested in hunting down.


  1. AWESOME picks!! I'd love to visit Endor and Serenity as well!! <3

    My Top 10 Tuesday

  2. Everybody wants to go to Harry Potter places. I think HP stuff is on every list today (for good reason. It’s all awesome.)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Agreed, I've seen a lot. I could have filled the whole list of HP places. :)
