Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Waiting on Wednesday


Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally, they are books that have yet to be released but don't have to be. It is based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous at Breaking the Spine.

Discover everything about aliens in this fun handbook packed with eerie accounts of the extraterrestrial, fascinating science, and weird facts–perfect for middle grade readers and young sci-fi fans.

Incoming transmission . . . Are there aliens out there? What’s the deal with Area 51? Can outer space support human life? Explore the extraterrestrial in Sightseeing with Aliens, a field guide for the curious and the adventurous. Blast off to space and discover:

Weird science and eye-opening history! Read up on humanity’s forays into space and meet the Mars rovers. Fascinating accounts of alien encounters! What really happened in the 1947 Roswell Incident?Out-of-this-world science fiction! Tune into iconic alien media, from H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds to Star Trek. 
The third book in the Totally Factual Field Guide to the Supernatural series, Sightseeing with Aliens is a hilarious and unabashedly weird investigation into how the unknown can shape our lives. Get to know the extraterrestrial with stellar illustrations and hands-on activities, like creating a time capsule and taking on the 7-Day Earthling Challenge to help Planet Earth. The whole galaxy is out there—grab your guide, and let’s go!

For more on the supernatural, check out Hanging with Vampires and Chilling with Ghosts!

Why I'm Waiting: Because I loved the first two books in this series, and I'm so excited for their to be a third!


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

New Release Tuesday

A Jewish mother of four, a gracious society hostess, a beloved member of her community—and the first widely renowned crime boss in America. Discover the true story from the bestselling author of The Confidence Men.

In 1850, Fredericka Mandelbaum traveled to New York in steerage and worked as a peddler on the streets of Lower Manhattan. By the 1870s she was a widow with four children, a fixture of high society, and an admired philanthropist. What had enabled a woman on the margins of American life to ascend from tenement poverty to immense wealth?

In the intervening years, “Marm” Mandelbaum, as she was known, had become the country’s most notorious “fence”—a receiver of stolen goods—and a successful criminal mastermind. By the mid-1880s as much as $10 million worth of purloined luxury goods (the equivalent of nearly $300 million in today’s money) had passed through her modest haberdashery shop on the Lower East Side. Called “the nucleus and center of the whole organization of crime in New York City” by the New York Times , she planned, financed, and profited from robberies of cash, gold, diamonds, and silk throughout the city and across the United States.

But Fredericka Mandelbaum wasn’t just a successful She was a business visionary—one of the first entrepreneurs in America to systemize the formerly scattershot enterprise of property crime. Handpicking a cadre of New York's foremost bank robbers, housebreakers, and shoplifters, and neatly bribing anyone who stood in her way, she handled logistics and organized supply chains—turning theft into a viable, scalable business .

The Talented Mrs. Mandelbaum paints a vivid image of Gilded Age New York—a city teeming with delightful rogues, capitalist power brokers, and Tammany Hall bigwigs, all of whom straddled the line between underworld enterprise and the realm of “legitimate” commerce. Combining deep historical research with the narrative flair for which she is celebrated, Margalit Fox tells the unforgettable story of a once-famous, now-forgotten heroine, a tale that exemplifies the cherished rags-to-riches narrative of Victorian America while simultaneously upending it altogether.


Monday, July 1, 2024

June Wrap Up

Holy cats, so many books this month. I am trying to figure out how I did it because I felt like work had some super busy weekends. Then again, I have been watching a little TV at night. It probably also helped that the Perilous Court series was so easy to binge, and I'm excited to jump into the second half of the series in July. I'm trying to pace myself with them so I can enjoy them. A handful of short books also helped in this. Which also means my stats are a little off. Two of the books I read were Indie Comics so according to Goodreads and Storygraph won't can't them because they don't have an ISB number. So according to them have only read 9 books instead of 12. But, that still makes it my best month yet!

July is setting up to also be a really busy month. Fourth of July is always a wild weekend at the restaurant, followed by me going to my first Kpop concert (I'm so excited), followed up by lots of staff on vacation here and there. The upside is I have so many graphic novels on my TBR that I have some quick reads. The downside is I'm probably not doing Summerween this year because honestly right now it feels like one too many things. 

Still though, so many books this month! I had an easy favorite though with Prince and Assasin

Books Read: 12
BINGO Books: 2
A to Z Challenge: 2
Pages Read: 3027
Currently Reading: My NetGalley TBR

Two for two this month! Two BINGO Books and two books for the A to Z Challenge. This is the first in months I've hit the latter challenge, and there for a minute I never thought I'd snag another BINGO book. We made this year's square harder than we meant to I feel.