Monday, March 18, 2019

Emerald City Comic-Con

My third ECCC is in the books. A huge thank you to my boss for my tickets this year. Despite the how crazy my job gets some days, I really do love where a work. Plus, this year I got to take my flatmate to her first Comic-Con. I think she had a good time. It looked like she had a good day. As for me, I had a blast. The people watching is always prime at Comic-Con, and love seeing everyone in their cosplay. It's a level of skill I will never come close to mastering.

I poked around a lot of the book booths. Because let's be honest, it's one of my favorite parts. Sadly, this year due to having several trips planned, I was on a budget. So a lot of things went on my TBR, but sadly I couldn't bring them home with me. However, there was a handful of things that I talked myself into. Which, honestly didn't talk all that much convincing in the end. Especially since I knew that Wes Craig was already happening. Same with meeting Ian Somerhaulder. 

Managed to snagged a bomb print of from the Silver series  which I found my first year at ECCC and just finished this series this week. The review for the last book is coming soon along with the review from the two other comic I picked up. 

I'm not sure if I'll be going to ECCC next year despite how much I've enjoyed it the last years. Next year I might be headed back to my state to go to Planet Comic-Con with my dad. Which I'm pretty excited for, and hope we manage to iron out the kinks to the plan. That convention falls close to his birthday, so it would be great to be able to get to home and celebrate that with him.

Anyone else go to ECCC this weekend? Pick up any good reads??


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