August was a strange month. I had a lot of anxiety about my jury summons, and then I got offered an amazing job closer to home. And, while usually, I usually counter all the stress and anxiety into book buying, I honestly didn't have a lot of time with pulling double duty from one job to the next. However, I had two credits on audible that I finally had an excuse to use. My new job is not customer-facing. My first stop was Sandman and it was everything I wanted it to be! I have also heard nothing but great things about the audio of Warlock Holmes so I downloaded the first in the series of that one as well. So far I am loving it! Speaking of Warlock I also got the next book in the series as well which is what put me in the mind to download the audiobook. For emotionally painful reasons I've been putting off picking up the latest installment...

With the new job, I see many more audiobooks in my future. Any recommendations on what I should download next?
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