I fought the urge to lead this page with It's Gonna Be May Gif. It was a hard fought battle, but I figure everyone has seen enough of those. But, if someone could tell me what happened to April. Because I feel like the month slipped through my fingers. This was also not a reading month. I tried. I finished Gideon which was so good, and read my Netgalley books for the month. Even the two kids books were adorable. My attention span just hasn't been able to focus on books.
The fact I hyper-extended my elbow didn't help. My second Covid vaccine has also left me tired, and my body isn't use to being back at work full time. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to be back at work five days a week, but after three months of home living, my body doesn't know what I've done to it.
It wasn't a bad reading month, I did read and what I read I liked. Hoping I can pull myself out of this reading funk for May. There are so many good books sitting on my current TBR.

Books Read: 4
BINGO Books: 1
BINGO Books: 1
Pages Read: 995
Currently Reading: Whisper Down the Lane

Bout of Books 31 is coming up! From May 10 - May 16 it's a week to unplug and get some reading done. Which is the kick in pants I need to pull away from the Netflix and Discovery+. But, if you want to join, click here!
I didn't purchase any books this month, but I did receive a few! Thanks to Quirk Books and Penguin Teen for both books they sent me, I'm excited to read both! I also got some great books in my Nightworms Package and my last My Thrill Club Box. The latter was shocking because the last Thrill Club box was kind of a dud. All of them are shown below!
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