June was a weird one. While it didn't rush by, it also didn't take its time either. Summer took its sweet time getting to the PNW, but when it did it smacked us all in the face. This last week we saw temps over 100F which is rare for my neck of the woods, and considering I work in a kitchen made them all the more fun. But, the temps seem to be sliding back into the normal summer place just in time for the Fourth of July. Which I am excited about because I'm going to get to hang with friends I haven't really seen since the world shut down.
So thankful to have a job that now lets me have days off! Other than that, I don't think I've done anything super excited. Went to the beach to read a few times this month as the weather warmed up. Trying to get a Chaco tan this summer. Found the best spot on my patio to both read and take a nap. Went to work, started watching Loki.
I am super excited for a new season of Leverage that was one of my favorites when it was on originally. Can't wait for the new season to drop I think next week. No major plans for July. More of this month kind of vibe. Super chill, enjoy the nice weather, and hope for a bit of rain!

Books Read: 6
BINGO Books: 1 (Translated Book)
BINGO Books: 1 (Translated Book)
Pages Read: 1,269
Currently Reading: The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass

Buddy Read that I signed up through Twitter, as of right now we haven't picked a book(s). We have narrowed it down to a couple!
Broke Bitches Book Club, I'm very excited about both books: Picture of Dorian Gray & Jar of Hearts. The former I've read a dozen or so times, it's a favorite. The latter has been sitting on my TBR!
The tops two are book club books! I've already read The Baby is Mine, but If It Bleeds is a July read. As for the bottom two, those came in my June Night Worms package. I'm excited for both, this will be my first Malerman book! As for It's Your Funeral that was an amazing gift thanks to Quirk Books, and that is at the top of my list to read this month. It sounds like a ride and a half!
How was everyone else's month? Read anything good??
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