Monday, March 14, 2022

Currently Reading

Happy Monday, Nerds! Here's to hoping it's a positive one out there. I'm one of the lucky few that get to have Mondays off. I love non-traditional days off! Anyway, back to the books. After February I fell into a small reading slump. I was even having a hard time finishing my last February read. Thanks to a quick run into my library I picked up Locke & Key for my roommate. It's taken me years to get her to read this series, and finally, she is finally reading them. This means I'm re-reading them because it's one of my favorite series, and it's been years since I've picked them up. 

And, I want to catch back up on the show!

That story is important because thanks to the re-read I busted through my reading slump before it could pull me too far down. I couldn't even tell you why I was in this slump. Maybe it was my new work schedule, maybe it's that I'm over the gray/wet weather, but it was there. Was being the keyword. Now I've snagged two books off my TBR and I'm looking forward to my three-day weekend so I can properly dive into them!
I'm only a chapter into this, and I'm not sure how I'm feeling about it. The main character is weird and it's something I'm jiving with it. I can't wait to get to dive into this a little more over the next three days. 

THIS! Thank you so much, NetGalley. I finally started this a couple of nights ago, and I've been reading it every morning while I wait for the bus. So far it's absolutely adorable. It's a big nerd fest, and while I'm not a big DnD person or a video gamer person. However, I love watching other people do those things, and that's exactly what this feels like. 

So glad I managed to shove off the reading slump and I'm excited that both of these books are good so far. I definitely have higher hopes for So This is Ever After, but The Ripper's Shadow might surprise me. I'm still waiting to meet the rest of the cast of characters.

What's everyone else reading this week?


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