Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mini Reviews

This was not for me. It was even the genre or theme that wasn't for me. The whole throuple was handled well. It was just everything else that just sort of fell flat for me. I wasn't overly fond of any of the characters. The plot never really took off for me. There were too many roadblocks and wait and see. The action sequences felt forced, and just when you think you've reached the end. Oh no, another problem. The last hundred pages felt like they should have been another book because the whole plot twist felt extra. Like there was no reason for it, other than to move the other bigger plot along, and that's when I rage-read until the end. So I won't be finishing this series.

Adorable! As a cat lady myself, I couldn't pass up the chance to read this one. I've seen some of the illustrations on Instagram and was so excited to see them finally book formation. Basically, this has little affirmation inside, told you by a cat, in the tone we use to talk to scouts. It's a quick read with an adorable cat illustration, some biting involved, and lots of fun! This is one of those books you get to have guests look at during the visit. A fun little talking point. Or a fun little gift to give to the cat person in your own life! The Book of Purrs will hit shelves on October 22, 2024!

Super adorable! Mothman is one of my favorite cryptids and Andrew Shaffer is one of my favorite authors. So I knew this was going to be a perfect match. This is great for kids of all ages. It's a super fun and quick read, perfect for Halloween! The illustrations are bright, fun, eye-catching, and full of fun little details. I love the idea of a snow day but with pumpkin guts, even with the smell. I also loved the kid version of what other cryptids appeared in this book. Just a lot of fun! I had a great little read with my morning coffee before hitting a day full of adult errands. Mothman's Happy Cryptid Halloween will hit shelves on August 6, 2024!

This was an interesting read. Full review to come closer to publishing day, Sept 10, 2024!


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