Thursday, June 22, 2023

Summer TBR

So yesterday was the official start of summer, the longest day of the year! This got me thinking about my summer reading plans, and yes there are several stacks of books I want I get through novellas, Summerween, a whole pile of books I forgot that were gifted to me. The list goes on. However, this time I thought about books I want to read curled up in the sun this summer. Books that I need to read by the light of day, or books to help distract from how busy work has been. Another list goes on and on, and this leads me to stare in front of my bookcase, probably like a crazy person, as I just looked at the books I owned.

I also may have sat on the floor and just twirled my other bookcase around several times until even my cat was dizzy.

These are the books I came up with. I'd love to bust through all of these books by the time Fall starts. It's a lofty list, but that's the great thing about books, they never expire. Even when you keep adding to the piles and the overflowing bookcases. And, my Kindle. And, my library queue. It's not a problem, it's a collection. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!


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