Thursday, September 7, 2023

Goosebumps Book Club

Because my plate never seems full enough. Not only am I gearing up for one of the busiest months at the restaurant, with every single weekend in September having some sort of downtown celebration. I'm also going on vacation this month, gearing up for the start of Spooky Season, the two Reading Challenges I've already saddled myself with, and now I've done another thing. Mind it is a small thing. An easy thing all things really considered, and I can totally read this book in a day. And I will read this book in a day.

But I have joined a Goosebumps book club, and it's exactly what it says on the tin. It's a whole group who are either re-reading some of their childhood favorites or finally jumping into this series for the first time. I believe their two camps in this book club. One group is reading from the start of the series, and another is doing it randomly. 

As you can see from the photo I'm in the random camp. Not to boost, but I'm old enough to remember when these books were new, and I spent most of Scholastic Book Fair money on these books. I also used to beg to get them in the flyers we'd get a school about upcoming releases. It rarely happened, but somehow I ended up with a pretty decent-sized Goosebumps collection which has sent gone the way of the ghost. 

Even my Ma wasn't sure where the books went. Probably to younger cousins or garage sales here and there after I moved out, and before I got back into reading after college. 

Anyway! I'm really excited to have an excuse to jump back into this series. Last year I started re-collecting all of them, and since then I've managed to hunt down about half the collection from the original series. Sadly I've only managed to read one since then. So this is a great excuse to throw myself back into the series and make some new friends.

For September we're jumping into the Haunted Mask. I'm not good with technology, but if you want to join in, DM me on Instagram so I can point you in the right direction. There's a Discord, but I'm still learning how to use it. I'm old and bad at learning new tricks, okay! 


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