Oh March! For some reason this month felt like one of the shortest, and yet longest, months I've had in a while. The month started off pretty freaking awesome! I was at Comic-Con geeky out with friends for two days. I got to meet Robert Englund, the original Freddy Kruger. Which that was something off my bucket list. I got to fangirl over a lot of my comic book writers and artists, and had an awesome time altogether! Of course I wen to see
Beauty and the Beast. I thought it was pretty good. My flatmate is a big fan and she loved it! Which is all that mattes. Also, this month we (my flatmate and me) discovered our local theater airs the
Walking Dead on Sundays. The finale was so much better shared with theater full of people! Oh, and for the first time in months I've gotten back into writing. It hasn't been much, or anything any good, but it feels good to be filling my notebooks full of stories again.
Other than that it's just me going to work and coming home to read. With random intervals of hanging out with friends. Spring is here and everyone is finally out of hibernation!
Books Read: 6
Pages Read: 1,008
BINGO Books: 2 (Check our my card
Currently Reading: Bad Blood by Shannon A. Thompson
Okay so technically, one doesn't think Comic-Con means book haul. Well, in Seattle we do it a little different my friend. I made out with a pretty decent haul that weekend. In fact I've had a hard time trying to figure out which ones to pick up first. Which is no easy task once you see the titles. Like usual I've ignored the problem and started a book not from that pile until I can make up my mind!
Not long after that I got an email that I was lucky enough to win a book from Goodreads. I honestly don't win that often. So it's pretty exciting when I do. This time was more so because of the nature of the book. I haven't picked it up yet because I have a long flight coming up in May. This will be the perfect thing to keep entertained and keep people from bugging me about what it's about. Though, I'm sure it'll earn some weird looks. Which is fine. I'll be to busy reading to notice. If your interest in the book, just click the photo. It'll take to the Goodreads page!!

My last book event was probably my favorite! Sorry Comic-Con, but Lish McBride is a baddass (not even sorry about the language). If you've read her books then you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't read her books, then I cannot recommend them enough. They are hilarious, fun, and wonderfully written. I have put off reading Firebug so I could read the duology together. Now the time has come! It was honestly amazing to hear her talk about the books, her writing process, and what was coming. She's amazing and gave some really good advice to those of struggling to write our own books. So seriously if you haven't checked her out, do it!! Like right now!! Nothing else I have to say is important or half as cool. Go! Run!
Publisher: ECCO
Release Date: April 4, 2017
Author: Daniel Cole
Genre: Thriller / Crime
Series: Detective William Fawkes #1
A body is discovered with the dismembered parts of six victims stitched together like a puppet, nicknamed by the press as the 'ragdoll'. Assigned to the shocking case are Detective William 'Wolf' Fawkes, recently reinstated to the London Met, and his former partner Detective Emily Baxter. The 'Ragdoll Killer' taunts the police by releasing a list of names to the media, and the dates on which he intends to murder them.
How was everyone else's month? Read anything good?