Saturday, December 1, 2018


For the first time in maybe six years I didn't cook Thanksgiving dinner. I was invited over to friends house to enjoy the holiday. It was honestly great fun and the food was excellent, but it was weird not having to be up and about checking on the turkey. I missed the chaos of every three timers going at once, but it was a wonderful evening with friends.

Of course I made time to see the new Fantastic Beasts movies. Which was absolutely brilliant, but I have so many questions for the next movie. So many questions! I also made time for a movie date with a friend to see the new Robin Hood movie. I'm not even a little bit sorry about it. Was the best idea we had!

The rest of month was spent gearing up at work for the holidays. Fingers crossed everything goes the way we've planned. Because it honestly looks like it might be a wonderful holiday for us.

Books Read: 5
Pages Reads: 449
BINGO Books: 0
Currently Reading: River of Teeth
DNF: 2

Though not really an event, the only thing I've got book wise for next month is Jolabokaflod. Literally it means "Book Flood" and it's the tradition of giving a book on Christmas Eve to read that night and into Christmas Day. Honestly though, I just recently learned it had a name. For the last three years this is just something my flatmate and I started doing for each other once I came home from work. We bought snacks and opened a book the other bought for us and read until we couldn't any more. So that's my big book event plan. To find her a book she'll love! 

As for my TBR, I have a pile of library books I need to work through and two ebooks I need to finish. Because even though I'm writing this up a few days before posting it, I know myself and they won't get finished. 

Oh! Yes! I do have one little goal this coming month. Manage to make my reading goal on Goodreads. As it stands a day before the end of the month, I'm only three books short!


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