Friday, February 5, 2021

Kingdom of the Wicked

Author: Kerri Maniscalco
Genre: Historical Fiction / Young Adult 
Format: Ebook
Pages: 372
I wanted to like this. The world-building and magic system is really cool, and the idea for the story is solid. I really liked Wrath and the set up for the Princes, but after about halfway, it all fell apart of me.  At first I hard time connecting with Emilia, even harder time recalling her name, but she started to grow on me, then I wanted to grab her by the shoulders shake her. I understand she went through something terrible and her life has just been thrown upside down. But, at some point, you have to start making a decision. The going back and forth got annoying after a while. Either do what you need to solve the mystery, step up, or walk away and be the witch your grandmother wants. The whining just got on my nerves.

My biggest worry originally for this book was the enemies to lovers. This isn't my favorite trope at all, but honestly, there didn't feel much of a romance. There was a couple of near misses and almost moments, but they were always adrenaline-filled or caused by magic. So it easy to ignore that part. However, the Chosen One trope was not. I have a love, hate relationship with that trope. I hated this one. I hate the fact that one person has all the answers and is too stubborn, or "wise" to give said Chosen Ones any info. So both the twins were left flying blind in the wind. Which makes everything that happens, in my opinion, Nonna's fault. And, instead of fixing anything or actually dealing, she tells Emilia to run toward the end of the book. 


As for the mystery part of this book, like the author's series, I had it figured out fairly quickly. In fact, the mystery to solve this murder seems to take a back seat as Wrath and Emilia run around this town doing nothing but chasing their own tales, because Wrath is hiding things and Emilia is hiding things. It's pages of them circling the same point.  Though I realized the set up when the two of them go back to one of the crime scenes.

I also wasn't really happy about the ending. The author spends all this time trying to set up Wrath and Emilia and then that ending just happens. It felt rushed and not overly fleshed out. Like the book needed to end, but it needed to be a cliff hanger because there's a second book. I don't know, I wanted to like this book more than I did, but I ended up marathoning the last hundred pages just to wrap the book because I had been reading it for nearly a month.

All this said I do see why people are liking it. I did enjoy Wrath as the character and there are some solid moments that I enjoyed. The snark between Emilia and Wrath was fun, and I could see how they could start to fall for each other. Still, it felt like this book needed a bit more editing. I'm not sure I'll read the second book.


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