Saturday, July 3, 2021

Memento Monstrum - Review

Author: Jochen Til
Genre: Middle Grade / Fantasy
Format: ebook
Pages: 200
Huge thank you to NetGalley for my early copy of this for my honest review!

I totally snagged this on a whim because the cover was absolutely adorable. I've been in the mood for some light-hearted and fun reads this last month, and this totally hit the mark. So glad I was able to snag this through NetGalley. 

While the cover art drew me to this book it was the plot that had me clicking 'Read Now'. I love a good monster story, particularly one with good monsters, and that's exactly what this book is. Yes, the book is about Vlad Dracula, but the not back alley, tricking young maidens Vlad. This is grandpa Vlad being stuck with his grandkids for the weekend and unsure how that'll work. 

This was a super cute story about a weekend spent with Grandpa while he told stories of his past. Vlad's just happens to be filled with vampire hunters, mummies, and a Yeti! It's the perfect bedtime book with a different story for every night, that ends with two mortal enemies becoming friends.

I thought this was a lot of fun and read it a couple of chapters every night. The story was easy to follow along but moved fairly quickly. Each chapter has its only a little more about not judging a book by its cover, or how sometimes friends move away. It also adds a few Easter Eggs for adult readers, the Beatles chapter was one of my favorites.

Also, the artwork was so cute. The little bugs on each page corner because the photo album, and castle, are old.  All the polaroids so you know what each new friend, and creature, looks like. Even some beautifully done scenery from the places Vlad was visiting.

Memento Monstrum was absolutely adorable, and will available on October 5 of this year. It would be a great spooky season read! 


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