Thursday, March 9, 2023

Favorite February Read

I've been under the weather for the last week, so March posts are a little behind. But, you know what they say, better than late than never. That being said, this is my favorite February read! I hit a slump, and burnout situation last month when it came to my reading. While I was in the mood to read, big books just felt like a chore. I ended by DNF-ing one and put off several library books (only to have to return them without reading them) because my attention span was so small. The upsides are that library books are free and I always have a stack of graphic novels to pick up.

Turned out to work in my favor because I crawled out of the slump, and was able to read this gem of a book, The Nightmare Man by J.H. Markert. This is a book that shouldn't work because there are so many things happening at once. Somehow though Markert brings it all together in the end. This is also a book where there is much that more books from inside the universe would be interesting. As well as a sequel. While at the same time, it doesn't need any more books because everything was tied up pretty nicely.

This little town is just so much like Gotham that you want more about the craziness that they unleashed upon it. Also, more on the backstory of those books would interesting. It would also make a pretty decent mini-series, I would definitely give it a watch.

Personally, though I didn't find this book scary, it is very dark and gruesome and gave some really messed up dreams. Still, with so much going on and so much on the line, The Nightmare Man becomes hard to put down!

My review of The Nightmare Man can be found here, and its Goodreads profile can be found here!


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