Well, this was strange little month. I applied for a job closer to home, thinking I wasn't going to get it because it's been years since I'd worked in a kitchen. To my surprise I landed it. Only now that means I'm training at the job while I'm closing out my current job. Needless to say I've been exhausted the last couple of weeks, but I'm loving my new job and I'm learning so much! Honeslty I'm shocked I managed to read 15 books! Because on top of all of that I had a freaking jury summons, but was lucky enough to not get picked to add to my already lapful of stress.
I'm so close to my Goodreads Goal of 55 books, and I finally managed a BINGO! I took my prize in the form of my new job! I'm still not going out any more than necessary which is probably why I managed to many books, but my roommate and I have started a re-watch of LOST. And, holy ducks so much happens in such a short amount of time on that show. We've been trying to remember everything, but for the life us cannot remember what happens season-to-season. I've also been watching the last season of Leverage because my dreams have come true and we're getting another season soon!
Not really sure what September will bring with the new job. So I kept the September TBR on the lighter side. My only goal for the coming month is to reach my Goodreads Goal, I'm only two books away so it's doable!

Books Read: 15
BINGO Books: 3
Backlist Books: 4
BINGO Books: 3
Backlist Books: 4
Pages Read: 2402
Currently Reading: Stalking Jack the Ripper

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