Friday, September 9, 2022

Book Haul

Not that I need an excuse to buy more books, but last Wednesday was Buy a Book Day. How I could not, it's a National Holiday after all. It was also the day after my Spotlight Book, The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson, hit shelves, which means it was a win-win for me. So I met up with a friend during our lunch break and we did a bit of book shopping at our local bookstore. We are both very lucky to work just a few blocks from the bookstore. An upside for me, a downside for my wallet. But at this point, my bank account should be used to it by now.

I also picked up a new Grady Hendrix book for my shelves. Thanks to Horrorstor I adore Hendrix's writing and now I have a mighty need to collect them all. Including his new book when it finally comes out because that one also sounds so good. But, first I must make it through My Best Friend's Exorcism and The Final Girl Support Group!