Monday, February 13, 2023

The Wehr Wolf - Review

Author: Alma Katsu
Genre: Novella
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 79

This book may, or may not, have been the reason I started thinking about getting a Kindle. Alma Katsu is one of my favorite authors. Her books immediately go on my To Be Read shelf on my Goodreads the second I hear about them. And, they will eventually find their way onto my shelves. The number of people I have pushed the Hunger onto is so many. So I was bummed when she announced this book because it was a Kindle exclusive and I've been such a stick in the mud about getting a Kindle for years.

Which lead to a whole downhill sort of situation, and long story short I own one now. Not just because of this book, but a lot of books finally made up my mind. But this book started the train of thought.

Anyway, this was the third book I've read by Alma Katsu, and it's definitely my second favorite. Because unlike The Deep, where I didn't connect with any of the characters but loved the lore, I really liked Uwe as a main character. I liked his wife and her backbone. I liked how much I hated Hans because right from the start, from his first entry into this world you know he's a bad guy. 

I loved the story arc that Uwe goes in just a few short pages, and how much you keep rooting for him do the right thing. There is a lot of emotion in just seventy-nine pages. 

And, there is a lot of history. I love an alternate history book that makes me Google things. My history education gets spotty after the American Civil War. So I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why I know that name. Did that really happen? Personally, I love these types of books because it shows how much research an author puts into the story based on just the pure knowledge that appears throughout the story. And, to do under a hundred pages and not confuse me. 

Just kudos.

And as always, I loved the lore that Alma paired with the story. Werewolves are not my favorite creature feature, I don't have a good reason for this. It's just a fact. But, I will go where Alma Katsu takes me, and I really liked this version of the story. It was a part of the lore I'd never heard before and it worked perfectly with the story.

Here's what bummed me out about this book. I wanted more pages. Not a hundred more, just a few more pages to get to know Uwe and his family better. To get to know the village more. Maybe a little more to spread out the decline of the pack because that part felt really rushed to me. But the ending was perfect and sad and I felt true to Uwe as a character. I just think if I'd gotten a little more time with him that ending would have smacked me in the feels a little bit harder.

But, I have no regrets about this book. It's everything I adore about Katsu's writing and how the weaves fact with fiction. It was a wild ride and I cannot scream about her books enough from the rooftops. Everyone should give her books a try they are great!


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