Friday, May 17, 2024

Currently Reading

Well hello out there! So I've put reading A Botanical Daughter, not because I'm not enjoying, because I am. But because I got the chance to read an advance copy of one of my favorite I authors, J.H. Markert! So as much as I was liking, A Botanical Daughter, I put it aside for Sleep Tight. Which I'm loving! I also got the chance to jump into a cute little cryptid book, which has quickly become my bedtime read. It has a lot of folklore inside that I'd never heard of before, which has made it a treat! It's also a nice way to unwind after work, and doesn't give me weird dreams like Markert's books tend to.

I'd love to say after these two books I'm jumping back into A Botanical Daughter. But, when Net Galley gives, it really gives. I have two more books lined up from them to jump into after this. Another cryptid book and a science fiction I'm itching to get my hands into. I adored other books by this author, and I've read the first three chapters already. So I can't wait to deep dive into this one!


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