Thursday, June 2, 2016

May Wrap Up

Well, May just seemed to fly right on past me without me hardly noticing it.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact we're already a couple of days into June.  On the upside it was good to see a pattern in my yearly reading habit.  May came and with it the usual reading slump.  I picked up, started, and put down again at least a half dozen books.  Not because they were bad books, but none of them seemed to keep a hold of my attention for more than the day I was reading them.  So I put all the books I should of been reading aside and grabbed some of the Graphics Novels I've had shelved on my library App.

May is also the month we get my sister ready for her summer job.  So it was a lot of running about and spending time with her before she's gone for three months.  

The slump also gave me time to work this blog and get it set up finally without the stress of splitting my time between everything: work, reading, life, etc.  Which was nice to be able to sit and work on this guy while I might have gotten sucked into a Buffy and Angel re-watch on Netflix.

Basically all this means it was a slim reading month for me and I managed a hole zero reviews on my original blog, My Book Life.  You can also scroll through see what I've been reading the rest of 2016 and other goodies.

Books Read: 4
Pages Reads: 542
BINGO Books: 0

Like I said a pretty slim month, but I think I'm back on the reading train for June.  I have a lot of really good books about to come in at my local library, and I just picked up Joe Abercrombie's new book Sharp Ends. So here is to hoping I can kick this stupid slump to the curve!

How was everyone else's month?  Any recommendations on something that might help push me out of this reading rut I've found myself in?

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