Friday, September 14, 2018

Hope Never Dies - Review

Author: Andrew Shaffer
Genre: Satire / Mystery
Format: Paperback
Pages: 304

Vice President Joe Biden is fresh out of the Obama White House and feeling adrift when his favorite railroad conductor dies in a suspicious accident, leaving behind an ailing wife and a trail of clues. To unravel the mystery, “Amtrak Joe” re-teams with the only man he’s ever fully trusted—the 44th president of the United States. Together they’ll plumb the darkest corners of Delaware, traveling from cheap motels to biker bars and beyond, as they uncover the sinister forces advancing America’s opioid epidemic.

Part noir thriller and part bromance novel, Hope Never Dies is essentially the first published work of Obama/Biden fanfiction—and a cathartic read for anyone distressed by the current state of affairs.

This is one of those books that I put off reading because I was nervous it wasn't going to be as good as I wanted it to be. I had no real reason for this, or at least not a really good one. Early revies raved about it, my local booksellers loved it, and even I was pulled in by the synposis.

Still, I'm always nervous to pick up a book with rso much hype around it. In fact I've put off reading amazing books I didn't want to fall in love with hype.

Lucky for me, this wasn't one of those books. From page one I was pulled into this book.

Normally, I'm not very fond of books written with first person point of view. It's mostly because I miss getting a wider few of the story. Only, it works for Hope Never Dies. Any other way I feel like the story would have lost something. Having everything unfold through Uncle Joe's eyes add an element to the story that would have been lost otherwise.

It was nice to watch our main character unfold the puzzle on its own. To get to feel his emotions as each new piece was unraveled. I'll even admit I hit a point where I was right with Joe, not reall sure what was going on.

I just knew it wasn't the story we're least given.

The humor runs throughout the book, and never falls away. But, there is also some real emotion woven in there as well. The Bromance is fractured since Joe and Obama left office. So it was nice to see the rekindle itself as the story went one.

As for the story, I felt it was solid. I never reached a point where I stopped and scratched my head. Or, felt like something just magically found a solution. Everthing got tied up as the story came to a close. It wasn't all shiny and rainbows eithers. Which is comething I like. Honestly I perfer my Noir a bit on the gritty side.

There was action, murder, twists, and jokes. In fact I hope Steve make an appereance in the next book.

All and all there was nothing for me to worry about. I adored every minute with this book. In fact I had a hard time finishing it beause I didn't want to get to the last page.

So, I'm eagerly awaiting the second book in the series, Hope Rides Again.

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: Dudes, buy it! Trust me you want regret it. You get an amazing mystery, an epic bromance, an a hilarious of two guys who have no idea how to solve a crime give it a go. 


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