Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Waiting on Wednesday

Can't Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to spotlight and talk about the books we're excited about what we have yet to read. Generally they are books that have yet to be released, but don't have to be. It is based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous at Breaking the Spine.

Warlock Holmes is dealing with a jerk, who just so happens to be a stockbroker. There may be a link. He's also trying to hunt down some tokens to control something magical (it's all rather complicated), and Moriarty just won't stop taking over people's bodies. And of course Dr. John Watson is by his side (mostly), but not quite as useful as he once was.

Why I'm Waiting: Because I love this series and you can never have too much Warlock in your life!



  1. I have never heard of this series before, but I am definitely going to have to give it a try. Sherlock Holmes and magic! I hope you enjoy this when you read it. Stay safe and well.

    1. Oh my gosh! I love it so much! It's a weird and fun imaginative retelling of canon. I highly recommend it!

  2. This sounds like it could be really funny:-) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Of course! This is that series I press in everyone 😂

  3. I went to look on Goodreads for the first book's summary and I love that Watson is the detective but I am not sure I like that Sherlock is dimwitted. It's probably funnily executed though. The world sounds like a lot of fun with the characters turned into mystical creatures.

    That gif is fantastic btw. 😄

    1. It's more if a role reversal really. John has the eye for the trivial things, and Warlcok has demons. But it is meant to be funny and they have a wonderful friendship. Lestrade as a vampire is one if my favorite bits!
