Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village - Review

Author: Maureen Johnson
Genre: Humor / Nonfiction
Format: e-book
Pages: 128

This was an absolute delight! Cozy murder mysteries are one of my favorites, both on-screen and in books. So this book spoke to my soul. It's a quick read, just a little over a hundred pages long. Said pages aren't even full pages, just little pieces of humor for each little section. However, it was so much fun. I laughed out loud through a lot of the book. It calls out the classic tropes and pokes fun at them.

The book as a whole was well put together in my opinion. I love that it was split up into sections: the Town, the Manor, the People. Because apparently for such a small village there are a lot of ways to die and so many tie back to the Vicar and the church. So it was nice the book was split up, gave it a nice flow from one section to the next one. 

For me, I loved this book was also illustrated. I thought it added to the fun to get to see what the village and manor looked like. To have a visual of the characters you learned how they'd kill you, or how they were going to be killed. I loved the little splash of reading that drew your way to different parts of the illustrations.

All of it came together in an Ed Gorey kind of fashion that I adored. While I'm sad I put this book off so long because it was a fun read, and glad it was put in my path again. Thank goodness books don't expire! This is a book I could see myself going back to read again to pull myself out of a reading slump. It's also a book I would give as a gift to other reader friends who also love cozy mysteries!


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