Saturday, September 17, 2022

Latinx Heritage Month

Thursday the 15th kicked off Latinx Heritage Month! I couldn't think of a better time to show off some of my books by Latinx authors! All of these are horror novels, and all but one are new authors to me. All of these books are sitting on my TBR shelf. 

I do need to give the ladies of Night Worms for bringing most of these books into my life. Without them, I don't think I would have ever known about these books! And, Bookstagram brought Camp Slaughter into my life, which I need to pick because I just saw it's getting a second book!  

Monster I found tucked away at a small little Indie bookstore in Seattle. I'm thinking it's a satire of monster horror novels, but I don't know exactly. It just sounds like it'll be a wild read.

Last, but not least, is Edgar Cantero! I discovered him through my local library. I fell in love with his Supernatural Encounters, it's trippy and an amazing read. It's one of those books that has stuck with me, and I need to read it again. His books are trippy, weird, and a lot of fun. I always suggest his books to people who like creepy and stranger reads!

So most of these are sitting on my hopeful TBR shelf for Spooky Season. A couple seems intense, Jawbone, and I haven't hyped myself up for the pain they will cause.


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