Friday, September 30, 2022

Middle Grade Horror Favorites

Tomorrow is Halloween Month, and I know I lot of people will finally kick off their Spooky Season. My house has been celebrating Spooky Season for about two weeks, but we love Halloween. Anyway, I couldn't think of a better way to kick off the Eve of Spooky Season than sharing some of my favorite scary reads growing up.

I'd like to say I've always loved being scared, but I'm sure my dad could tell you all the times that statement was incorrect. But, when it comes to books, I've always been drawn to the spookier stuff. It started with a love for Goosebumps, move to a love for Christopher Pike and Fear Street, and then morphed into becoming a fan of Stephen King. My mom put one of his books in my hands for the first time. I can never remember which one, but Tommyknockers has always been my favorite.

Anyway, I say all of that to then talk about some of my favorite Middle Grade Spooky books growing up. I has a massive Goosebumps collection back in the day thanks to the Book Fair and saved allowance. A collection I'm trying to build again! A few of Roald Dahl's books had me sleeping with the covers over my head, and I was a lover of the kid's versions of the classic monster tales (which turned into an adult love in high school when I read the full versions).

Over the last two decades horror for Middle Grade, aged kids have changed. It's morphed and evolved into books little me would have loved, but the books pictured above will always have my heart. They were the first books to show me how fun it is to be scared, if just for a second. How much I love a good mystery, and how cool it was to figure it all out before the big reveal. These books shaped me as a reader and left me with core memories. 

So while I'm sad to have lost that amazing collection of R.L Stine books. I hope they went to kids who got to make similar memories with them!


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