Monday, January 22, 2018

Pierce Brown Event

I got to celebrate my birthday a little early. A friend of mine took me to see Pierce Brown talk about his new book Iron Gold. There are so many things I adore about Pierce's writing style and the way he creates the world that characters live in. I also really like the diverse cast he's created from the first series, Red Rising.  And, I can wait to see how that expands with the four new POV's inside Iron Gold. Also, I fell in love a little more with Darrow when I learned he was based a little on Edmond Dantes. Oh I geeked out a little over our shared loved for the Count of Monet Cristo. 

Not only did I get to hear him talk about the new series, but I also got the chance to meet him and have him sign some of books. Pretty much the best birthday present ever! I'm so glad I was able to go and I owe my friend of very find dinner for the entire evening!

All-in-all the evening made me realize I need to suck it up and finish this series so I can start the new one. No matter how I know it'll hurt in the end. But, I'm also excited for the future of the series. Not only this series, but I'm excited to see what will come next once these three books are finished. Hopefully, maybe, if I use my wishes, we'll get that short story about Severo on Pluto.


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