Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme started by the Broke and the Bookishbut is not run by That Artsy Reader Girl.  Each week they chose a new meme and bloggers pick their Top Ten Books, TV Shows, Movies, etc that fit that theme. This week the theme is: Books I've Unfortunately Lost Interest In!

  1. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
  2. Inheritance Cycle Series by Christopher Paolini
  3. Johnny One-Eye Series by David Stuart Davies

  1. Swords of Albion by Mark Chadbourn
  2. Timothy Wilde Series by Lyndsay Faye
  3. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

  1. Borden Dispatch Series by Cherie Priest
  2. Sin Eater's Daughter Series by Melinda Salisbury
  3. Vengeance Road Erin Bowman

  1. Zebulon Finch by Daniel Kraus


  1. Oh Eragon... how thee let me down. It feels like ages ago that I read and loved Eragon. I made it a quarter ways through book three before I placed it aside. I had always planned on returning to it, but here I am 10 years later. Sigh.

    Lauren @ bookslaying.com

    1. SAME! And rumor is the series is getting another book in the future...

  2. I own the first Zebulon Finch, so I hope to check that out sometime. I really liked Gone Girl, but I'm a big fan of the author - it's not her best, I don't think, though.


    1. Gone Girl just sat on my TBR for so long and it so much hype I felt I had to like it...maybe. It's one I might try to again at a later day.
