Friday, November 18, 2022

Book Haul

I went home last week for a family reunion, and anytime I'm home that means a bookstore run with my Mim. However, I got a really great surprise from my sister-in-law when she arrived with my brother. She had a bag full of books from me. Which was amazing. She'd pulled books from my wishlist and picked the ones with her favorite covers. Honestly, all three have been high on my TBR, I just haven't gotten around to buying my copies. I'm super grateful to her for those. My roommate is also grateful, two of them were also on her TBR.

We did of course hit the bookstore. It was the best weekend for me to be back home because the entire downtown was having a massive open house for all the small businesses. So we hit a lot of the antique shops. Even if I'm not buying anything, I love digging around antique shops. I did find one good book hidden away in a stack of old-school Middle-Grade novels.

I tried not to go crazy at the bookstore. Flying means I have a limited amount of space in my luggage because I always end up going home with more than I came in with. Even though I swear there's no way that can still be happening. Somehow my mother always has a stack of things for me to take home. But the open house meant a discount sale on cookbooks and I found some amazing horror books. And, before I knew it I had a stack of books in my hand.

The upside is when the PNW gets its annual snow-in I'll have plenty to read in front of the fire!


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