Friday, November 25, 2022

Mini Reviews


Just me catching up on my back reviews for books that I didn't have enough for a full review but still wanted to show off! Or, in one case whine a little.

This actually has some solid starter recipes in it. Some need some extra spices and a little more oomph to make them a complete dish, and others need to have things removed from them. I cannot stress enough that raising is not a spice or something you use to improve a dish. They do not belong in savory dishes. raisins are for baking. Also, nothing belongs in a jello mold. Food shouldn't jiggle... But yeah, a few of these have potential. 

Nothing in this recipe should be made ever. Never ever! This is, however, a great conversation starter, and made for a great bit of fun for my roommate and me as we flipped through it. While soup cans do make for a great add-in to some dishes, and can be used for more than just soup, a lot of these recipes should not have left the 1970s. I'm not even sure they should have been eaten then either. One of these recipes is just three different cans of soup...

This was adorable and a lot of fun! Some of these places I've heard of before are on my bucket list to visit. One I've been to before and is super cool. Others were new and now are on my bucket list. This was a fun little book that looked great on our mantel over the Spooky Season!

I was really disappointed in this one because A Midsummer Nights Dream is one of my favorite comedies from Shakespeare. I've read it a dozen times and I've seen several film adaptations of it. I quote parts of it often at people. But this was a pretty big letdown. I understand that this is an abridged version, and I didn't mind footnotes breaking down each scene. I get it, that language is hard to read and understand. I even didn't mind the little weird torn parchment-looking bits that also explain what happened. Even if three different explanations felt like overdoing it. What I hated was it felt like the rhythm of the play was lost, and some of the best scenes were cut out of the play to shorten the story. And while the gist of the story was there, for me it felt like it lost its soul. So this was definitely my least favorite read this month.


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