Saturday, January 5, 2019

December Wrap Up

My thought was with how smooth things were running at work that I'd be able to read more, even with staying at work a little later to make sure stores were good with cupcakes. Truth is, I did not. There was a few Christmas parties that came up, and then I friend surprised one evening for dinner because he was in town. Then there was Christmas shopping to be done so everything would make to my family. Then there was sending out the adorable Christmas Postcards I found, then the Solstice was here and I was off again doing things for that. 

Then some how Christmas Eve was here and I was gearing up for a house full of friends. Which was so much fun! However, lead to cleaning up the house, cleaning up work, and somehow now it's January and I've read barely anything. But, it's good because the month was filled some awesome things, and I'm looking forward to the new year.

Books Read: 2
Pages Reads: 114
BINGO Books: 0
Currently Reading: River of Teeth

Sadly, no author events have tickled my fancy for January. Which is probably for the best since I need to budget, budget, budget for my vacation in February! Upside is Bout of Books 24 is right around the corner, which is always a great way for me to straighten out my reading habit. Also, I stumbled across Beat the Backlist which seems like a low stress away for me to knock out the dusty side of my TBR. Which with two cats is basically ever side, but that's neither here, nor there.


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