Friday, January 18, 2019

Mini Reviews

Bless the Libby app for allowing me finally read these. I put them on my TBR thinking I'd snag them from the library just like I did with X-Files: Earth Children are Weird, but in true me fashion that did not happen. However now it has and I forgot how cute these are! Back to the Future is one my favorite movies that I've seen enough I can quote the whole thing, and I never missed an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when it original ran. To flaunt my age just a little bit. So I was so excited when Kim Smith added these to her Quirk Book collection of kid's books. They are so cute! I read them curled up on the couch while I unwound from work and kept turning my phone around to show my roommate. I'm not sure which I loved more: my favorite monsters from Buffy living in her closet or Eisenstein's cute little bio-hazard vest! Both were super cute and I'm so excited for the next book, the Karate Kid, which comes out this year.



  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Back to the Future in children's books form? So cute! I do worry with all these reboots that they'll be ruined... or it could be a really fun time 😊

    1. I have the same worry. Mostly because some of the reboots have been bad. But, these are super cute and fun.
