Friday, March 9, 2018

Tamora Pierce Event

This event checked off a square of authors I want to meet in my lifetime. I first picked up Tamora Pierce's book Trickster's Choice in a Best Buy while my parents were shopping for I don't remember what. What I do remember is reading half the book in a lounge chair while I waited, and then begging for the book so I could finish it. A few months later on vacation I somehow talked them into a Barnes and Noble so I could by the sequel. I was in Junior High when all of this happened, and since then I've been hooked. I've passed her books onto my cousins who also loved reading, and I cannot count the times of reread both the Alanna and Aly series. To get the opportunity to not only hear Tamora Pierce talk, but to have sign the book written about my favorite character... I couldn't believe it.

First we need to talk about this cover! I've seen so many different versions of Tamora Pierce's books, but this one is amazing. Do you see how shiny it is?! Rarely ever do I keep dust jackets for my hardback books. Mostly because they always ended up torn and get in the way. However, this one I'll be keeping. It's just so good!

As for the event itself, I was glad to see such a full house. Tamora Pierce has been writing for a few years now, and see just how many people she's touched was amazing. It was also really cool to see how many of those people had shared her stories with their kids. As for me, I brought along a friend of mine who I think would adore her books, and those of the other two women speaking with her that night: Lish McBride (Hold Me Closer Necromancer) and Rachel Hartman (the Seraphina Series). It was amazing to hear her talk about the years she's spent writing and the characters we've all come to love.

Hands down this is a book I'll cherish forever. Not only because it's signed by one of my favorite authors, but because of who it's about. Numair has been favorite since I first met him. I had a lot more in common with him than any of the other characters: forgetful, weird, and not always understood by the people around him. To see who he was despite this was something I needed in Junior High. So to finally have an origin story for Numair is amazing, but to have it also ironically come out on my birthday was even better. Now my copy is signed...I couldn't ask for more. 

It's hard to say if anything will top getting to meet Tamora Pierce and telling her what her books, and this character, meant to me. But, I'm thankful I got the chance! 


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