Friday, March 30, 2018

Cover Release - World of Lore Volume 3

I've always been fascinated by folklore and ghost stories. It didn't take long for World of Lore to become one of my favorite podcast to listen to on the bus, while closing at work, or while out on deliveries. Last year Aaron Mahnke turned his podcast into a book. This year two more installments are set to come out, and I just saw the cover for third book in the series set to come out this Fall. Which just so happens to be my favorite time of year to read ghost stories!

Sometimes you walk into a room, a building, or even a town, and you feel it. Something seems off--an atmosphere that leaves you oddly unsettled, with a sense of lingering darkness. Join Aaron Mahnke, the host of the popular podcast Lore, as he explores some of these dreadful places and the history that haunts them.

Mahnke takes us to Colorado and the palatial Stanley Hotel, where wealthy guests enjoyed views of the Rocky Mountains at the turn of the twentieth century--and where, decades later, a restless author would awaken from a nightmare, inspired to write one of the most revered horror novels of all time. Mahnke also crosses land and sea to visit frightful sites--from New Orleans to Richmond, Virginia, to the brooding, ancient castles of England--each with its own echo of dark deeds, horrible tragedies, and shocking evil still resounding.

Filled with evocative illustrations, this eerie tour of lurid landmarks and doomed destinations is just the ticket to take armchair travelers with a taste for the macabre to places they never thought they'd visit in their wildest, scariest dreams.


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