Author: Alastair Pack
Genre: High Fantasy
Format: e-Book
Pages: 275
I have to say a huge thank to my friend Sio for putting Alastair Pack in touch with me. He was gracious enough to give me a copy of his book Legacy to read, in trade for my honest review.
Honestly, I'm really glad I got a chance to read this book. In fact, I'm very much looking forward to the next book in the series. Already I've put this on some friends to read list because it's totally up their alley, but also I need someone else to freak out with me. Because my poor flatmate has had to deal with my yelling at my phone as I read this, and throwing myself down dramatically on the couch when I've needed to take a break.
So bless her for that.
I had a little trouble at the start of the book. Not only was Legacy a new series with a new world for me to understand, new characters to love and hate, but also a new writing style to get use to. I am very much a creature of habit with many things, including books I ready. So it took me few pages to get into the flow of Alastiar's prose. I'm glad I stuck it out though. Legacy quickly went from my bus book to everything else can wait book.
I love when that happens!
One of my favorite things about Legacy was kind of how there's a story inside of a story. While the story follows Brande through the trail of saving his family, you also get the story of the man Brande was before coming to Burke. Even better was how those moments we saw of his past came full circle toward the end of the book. Every little flashback lead to one moment at the end, and is the reason for the ending itself. I really liked that.
I also really liked that the whole story arc for this book was solved just enough to leave room for more books. Personally I'm very happy with how things ended for many reason. First of all I'm very glad my assumption about Alland was spot on, he is fact an asshole. I'm also very glad we got one last scene with Wylie because he amuses me. I love when a book ties up its quest in the final pages, and Legacy did just that. However, it leave just enough open that you know whose gonna be a problem in the books to come.
The writing itself is strong throughout the whole book. There was never really a point where I set the book down because I was confused, or because something doesn't fit. Every moment leads to another moment, to another addition to the questing party. Though, I was very thankful when we stopped killing off the characters I enjoyed. Because for a minute there I thought all my happiness would be squashed. So thank you for letting me keep Aldway. Appreciate it.
As for the characters, they were all really solid. The ones I disliked had nothing to do with the writing quality. Just because they are terrible. I also really liked how none of the female characters were simpering. Ainthe kicked some major butt in us the first few pages, and while Githa isn't always my favorite, she is a badass with a sword.
However hands down Eberhand and Aldway are my favorites. I'm sucker moral ambiguous characters of low fiber.
All-in-all, it was an amazing read and I'm so thankful I had the chance to read it. Now if the second book could come soon, that'd be great.