Friday, April 5, 2019

Beat the Backlist Quarterly Update

I honestly don't know how I just found out about Beat the Backlist this year. It's been great to help me weave in books from years ago that I meant to read when they were new. Some of which I pre-ordered and still  haven't read. I'm sure death my falling tower of books is how I'm going to die. In fact I'm certain my cat will the reason the fell in his attempt to wake me up to pay attention to him, or feed him. At this point either reason is a toss up. 

We're three months into the year and I've read four books that fell under Beat the Backlist. Which is probably more than I would have read since my TBR of books released this year is stupid big. So many good books. However, knowing I need to help out Team Hufflepuff means I've being paying more attention to the what book I'm picking up next. And, at this point we need some help! Sadly we're in last place. With summer around the corner I won't be huddle in the corner of bus stop trying not to turn into a popsicle. 

Going forward, I'm finishing up a review for Chasing Graves. Following that I picked up the Invisible Man from the library and I'm kinda in the mood for something Western. So maybe it's time for me to pick up the Best Bad Things soon.

How about all of you? Is Beat the Backlist helping with your TBR pile? How's your House Points looking?  


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