I cannot believe that Bookish Whispers has been around for three whole years! This started out as something I did here and there as I read books, and some how it turned into a beast that takes up as much time as my real job. Through it I've met some amazing authors that I wouldn't have met any other way. I've read some amazing books that I would have never known about it thanks to other blogs, book events I'd never have known about, and all the newsletters I get now. It helped me bridge a friendship at work with someone who is now one of my closest friends. So thank you Sarah for always letting me drag you to events, for celebrating my victories, and pushing me to post out of comfort zone.
Thank you to my flatmate Kathleen who listens to me complain, makes fun of how fast I type when I'm in the zone, and whose celebrated every little victory with me as well. Also thank you for letting me also drag you to events and gush about something I've read and found. You know I'd be lost without you.
Huge thank you my parents and my Mim who have fallen in love with this blog as much as I have. My dad reads every posts and always has something to say. You guys have always been my biggest cheerleaders in every crazy scheme I think of next. Bless you three!
I cannot forget to thank Sio who does all of my graphics out of the kindness of her heart. Cover Runway Sundays and the Mini Review posts wouldn't be the same without you! She also proof readers so much for me, and always convinces my reviews aren't as bad I think. You are without a doubt my rock.
Lastly, I really should think my job: my staff and my GM. You've been amazing about allowing me time off and being flexible when I've wanted to go to author signings and events. I appreciate how much you've all been willing to work with me and my crazy. And thank you so much for the cupcakes for the party to celebrate three weird years!
So to everyone whose given me a reason to keep posting, whose given me an ARC of your book to fall in love with, and to those moments still to come. I can't wait to see what the next year brings, and here's to hoping I can pull off another three years.
Hopefully, I'm just that crazy!