Thursday, May 16, 2019

Who Killed the Fonz? - Review

Author: James Boice
Genre: Noir
Format: ARC
Pages: 198

This book as not at all what I expected it to be. In fact, I picked this book several times at the bookstore, only to put it back down. Never really sure if it was something I'd enjoy. The cover was amazing and I do enjoy Happy Days, but I just wasn't sure. Still, I snagged a free copy during SeaBookstore Day. So I cracked it open thinking it'll be a fun bus book. I was quick to realize that I wrong about a great number of things about this book. This wasn't the satire I thought it was going to be. It was something a little more serious, a little more deep, and it quickly stopped being my bus book as I devoured between shifts.

You start out on what is basically Richard Cunningham's best day, but really it's his worst. The job he thinks he's going to get isn't exactly what he's offered. Only to get home to realize the day has gotten worse. His best friend is dead. From it's pretty much down hill slide of how much worse can it get before it gets better. Because it's based on Happy Days, so it has to get better. Right?

Well, that would be telling.

One of things I liked about Who Killed the Fonz? is the size of the book. Its just barely two hundred pages, but so much happens in those two hundred pages that I feel if it had been spread out into a bigger book I would have gotten lost. Would have forced the plot to drift. As a smaller book the plot is forced to move quickly as Richard unravels another piece of the puzzle. It's set up over the course of a week, just like the theme song of Happy Days. Which you bet your butt I was humming often as I read. Each chapter is a new day, and this helped with the flow of time.

Another thing I enjoyed was how spot on the attention to detail is. The world is already set up thanks to the TV show, but I do wonder how many times James Boice had to watch Happy Days as he was writing this. Because there was amazing details about Arnold's dinner, about Fonzi's bike, the Cunningham house, and things I'd forgotten about. Not only that but references to episodes even I remember seeing when I'd watch the re-runs on TVLand with my parents.

I also enjoyed was how close to the chest James Boice played the plot of the book. In fact it wasn't until like the last twenty pages or so I started to pieces it all together. I really enjoyed the small red herring on the bridge. It wasn't until then that I started to hope. And, I was really satisfied with the ending as well. I'd been put through a feeling grinder over two hundred pages. So it was nice to see everything tied up with nice little bow. I'm definitely glad I snagged this book on a whim. It was a really good read.

Who Killed the Fonz? was a great noir mystery that I'm happy I decided to add to my pile last month. I would have missed out on something really good if I had stayed on the fence. It kept me guessing and honestly on the edge of seat toward the end.

Buy, Borrow, or Skip: I say a solid library book for me. I enjoyed my time with it, but I probably wouldn't read it a second time. In fact my copy is going to my mom next.


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