Happy Saturday! This year seems to be the year of True Crime when it comes to books and tv shows I'm excited about. Only, I realize I've gotten really good at collecting true crime books, and putting true crime documentaries on queue, and never following through. This is something I want to change because I have so many good true crimes sitting on my shelf collecting dust. Books that so many people have enjoyed and have told me I need to read. A couple I've sworn I was going to read the last two years.
So, this post is going to help not only hold me accountable for the true crime books I want to finally read this year. But, will also let me share some of these books with everyone here. I've already dipped my toe back into the genre and knocked off two of the true-crime books on my most anticipated list for this year. They were just the tip of the iceberg.
The TBR list of chosen is a mix of books being released this year, and books sitting on my backlist. All of the backlist books are books I own and have been silently judging me every time a pick up a different book. I'm still excited about the backlist books, and I enjoyed putting this list together. I had forgotten I owned one, or two, of these.

Like I said this post will also serve to hold myself accountable for working my way through my backlist, and new list, of true crime. The last few years I've been reading a lot of young adult and graphic novels, and while there is nothing wrong with either of these genres. I still adored them both, I just have so many good books outside of those two genres waiting to be read. Now that I have more time to read I want to branch out to other genres I love! Starting with true crime.
Anyone else a fan of true crime?
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