Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Worst-Case Scenario - Review

Author: Joshua Piven & David Borgenicht
Genre:  Nonfiction / Humor
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272

First, thank you to Quirk Books for an early release copy of The Worst-Case Scenario. This will be hitting shelves on October 31 of this year! Ever wonder what it would take to survive the world's end, no matter how that end presents itself? Honestly, these days it is a fair question. Well, you my friends are in luck because this Handbook is designed to help you start prepping and preparing all kinds of end of days!

This was an absolute delight to read. First of all the cover is done up like a proper old school handbook that I swear I've seen around my dad's and grandad's shops, and the cover art is complete genius and that combined with the title was the reason I had my fingers crossed Quirk Books would send me this one. I love books that combine actual facts with humor, and that's something that Worst-Case Scenario did rather well in my opinion.

It's packed with practical information that can be used whether at the end of the world, trapped for a few days because of the woods. Do I think I'll ever need to use any of this information? Well, I live in the Pacific Northwest so at any time a volcano could erupt, an earthquake could hit us, a tsunami could hit us, or my favorite, a chain reaction where all three happen within the same week. So there were a few gems on being prepared that we've already done in this house, and there might be a few things people don't think about gathering.

That doesn't mean that this book is by any means dry and dull. It also gives you great ways to survive if aliens ever decide they want to hang out here on Earth. What to do if dinosaurs are cloned between aliens and dinosaurs, my bet is on the latter. Despite there being many movies about why that's a bad idea.

All-in-all this was a lot of fun and it was the perfect vacation, sitting by the pool read. I thoroughly enjoyed it for the fun facts and the outrageous facts! It's the perfect read for winter when things are cold and gloomy to get you laughing out loud. I also think it'll make fun stocking stuff for the friend who loves to read, or a white elephant gift!

Check out The Worst-Case Scenerios hitting shelves Oct 31,2023!


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