This was my first jaunt into the DC Black Label and I wasn't disappointed. It's definitely targeted for a more adult audience. Literally Bruce bares all in this books, all of it. Every single bit. So that happened. The story is a lot darker as well and I enjoyed the twist on the original story. I also really enjoyed the cast in this one. And, it's narrorted by one of my favorite DC characters of all time, Constantine. Which makes the narration a little hard follow here and there, but I do enjoy him and the way he annoys everyone living or dead. The artwork was also top notch. It matched with the grit and grime of the story, but also wasn't done in a way lot of other graphics are done. More visual on the blood and gore. The anatomy... I just wasn't expecting that okay. There was no warning! My only complaint about Batman: Damned is the shape of the book makes it awkward to read. 3 Stars!

I wasn't sure what to think when I picked up His Hideous Heart, because I was only familiar with two of the authors listed in the table of contents. Add on the fact I'm a huge fan of Poe's work. I was going into not expecting to devour it in one day. But, it's good to be wrong. Honestly, I couldn't find one story of thirteen that I didn't like. Even when it came to some of Poe's work that isn't my favorite, thee retellings kept me glued to the pages. It was a great introduction to eleven new authors whose books I'll have to pick up at some point. I will say that the I Pit and the Pendulum retelling was my favorite. It was so good I nearly burned dinner. 4 Stars!
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