Thursday, July 16, 2020

Book Mail

I was going to try and wait until August to read this as part of my TBR, only that it's in my hands I realize how much that is now going to happen. I'll be lucky if finish the book I'm currently reading before I start this one. I have very much done my waiting on this book, and I know I could have picked up Death Prefers Blondes, and that probably would have helped. And, I will pick that one up, but this one. The cover is amazing, and Caleb Roehrig had me at hates algebra!

My nearly seven-month wait is over! Smart me would wait until my day off to read this entire thing in one sitting, but let's be honest I'm reading past my bedtime tonight. That's what coffee is for right?



  1. It's always a wonderful feeling when you pick up a book you KNOW you're going to love... Have a wonderful time between the covers.

    1. Thanks, and it really is. My day off cannot coke fast enough!
